What will students learn about Earth and Space in Grade 9? As in the previous grade, there will be three modules in this quarter. Module 1 is about Volcanoes, Module 2 is about Climate and Module 3 is about Constellations.

In Module 1, we continue to make use of our observations in the environment. We emphasize our location along the Ring of Fire. As learned in Grade 8, the Philippines is prone to earthquakes. At grade 9, we will still give emphasis on the location of the Philippines but as a home to volcanoes.

Just like any country along the Ring of Fire, we, too, have active and inactive volcanoes that continuously shape the Earth’s surface. These volcanoes can be described in different ways. Active volcanoes have different features based on their activities and emissions.
Likewise, volcanoes have energy that can be tapped for human use. After all, volcanism is not all bad. As part of the disaster risk reduction, we must also point out how the negative effects of volcanic eruption can be minimized through disaster awareness.

In Module 2, we find out the difference between weather and climate. We look into the different factors affecting the climate of an area such as altitude, latitude, distance from the ocean, and presence of landmass.

Since the Philippines is located just north of the equator, we have a tropical climate. Unlike other countries with a wide range of temperature during the course of the year, we experience a minimal difference. What are other variations that we experience?

We also look into certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level. We talk further the about greenhouse effect discussed in Grade 7. In At Grade 9, we will relate it with global warming or climate change. We have to make our students aware of risks of climate change and how its effects can be lessened.

In Module 3, we will take up constellations. In grade 5, the students were introduced to with star patterns. In At Grade 9, the word constellation will be used. The relationship between the constellations in the sky and Earth’s position along its orbit will be given emphasis. Likewise, we have to assist our students make inferencesinfer about the characteristics of the stars based on the characteristics of the Sun.